How to Get Back into Your Routine

January 5th, 2022

How to get back into your routine

3.3M people tested positive for Covid between Christmas and New Year’s. Chances are either you or someone you know had to quarantine. The holidays left of us feeling that oh-so-familiar isolation of 2020/2021. Arianna Huffington refers to that combination of stress, tech-overload, and lack of focus as “pandemic brain.” She goes on to state “the problem is that the cognitive impact of chronic stress doesn’t disappear when the stressor does.” And that leaves many of us wondering: Why do I feel so anxious? What is my focus? How do I get back on track?


There is a desire to want to jump headfirst into a new (healthier and happier) year, but the side effects of the holidays are holding us back. You are not alone. It feels a little like an uphill battle without sight of what is waiting at the top of the climb. The question is, how do we find our rhythm again? How do we choose to not “settle in” to this new normal and choose instead to show up for ourselves and each other in a safe and responsible way? We need to create the goal that is waiting for us at the top of the hill instead of hoping it will present itself. Then, get started, thinking only about how good it will feel to run downhill once again.


Three steps to help you get back into your routine:


  1. Create a realistic, and very specific workout schedule (Ex. M/W/F – 8:15am workout, arriving at 8am to foam roll, and showering w/smoothie by 9:20am)
  2. Pick a friend/instructor/trainer and share your goal with them. Accountability is everything right now. We cannot expect ourselves to make these changes without support, and helping each other stay on track will keep us even more motivated with our own routine! This may be the perfect time to set up weekly recurring sessions with a Private Trainer to help you re-establish your rhythm and routine or a morning call with a best friend on the way to your workout.
  3. Set a time to end your workday.  This is important. So often we find ourselves working to fill open hours or we cannot turn off the clock when working from home. Parkinson’s Law states that your work will expand to fit the time you allot it. So if you give yourself 2 days to complete a project it will take you 2 days. If you give yourself 2 hrs it will take you 2 hrs. You will be better at showing up for YOU and you will be more efficient during the time you have dedicated to your work if you respect your own time and boundaries.  


Here are some tricks to help you get set up with the above:


  • Blender bottle/alkamind protein powder – add a scoop to your blender bottle and take it with you to your workout. Add water/coconut water/nut milk post workout, blend, and GO!
  • Transformation program – let us be your guide and get you back on track. All you have to do is show up. We’ll hold you to it!
  • Check out more tips for ending your day strong!

Written by Anna Kaiser


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